Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Culminating Durga Puja on the last day of Navratri.

Elaborate kanya pujan in Temple. 
     The word culminating means reaching a climax or point of highest development or to reach a final, climax or pinnacle. This is a very important aspect of Durga Puja, who incarnated in nine different forms to reinstate faith and uplift seekers. As I have mentioned in THE NINE BENEVOLENT FORMS OF MA DURGA. This is either done on the eighth or ninth day according to individual or family traditions. I happened to attend one kanya pujan in south Indian temple couple of years back and was mesmerized by their priests sheer faith and rituals. As shown in the picture on the left, these young girls were made to sit on special place after washing their little feet while chanting mantras. These girls were being treated as if they are incarnation of real goddess and descended from heaven to bless them. The garland were put on them and served with food and given gifts. Lastly before these girls departed, all the priests keeled in front of them, asking them to forgive them for their mistakes and requested them to visit again. But otherwise also, it is celebrated with fervor and enthusiasm across world among "Hindus". This is also known as Kanya Pujan or Kanjak. 
     The nine young girls representing the nine forms of Goddess Durga (Navadurga) are worshiped.  This festival has philosophical meaning also, A girl-child is the symbol of the pure basic creative force. There is also a ritual of purification and chanting of mantras. Her feet are washed and then she is made to sit on a special pedestal. She is worshiped by offering ‘akshat‘ (rice grains) and by burning incense sticks. 
Women symbolize Mahamaya (The goddess Durga). Even among these a girl child is considered to be the purest, because of her innocence. Hinduism believes in the universal creative forces to be of feminine gender. The very original force is Mahamaya, whose inspiration created the gods and the rest of the cosmos. The inspiration is the life force of the entire creation. All the major and minor energies and forces are represented by various goddesses. Navaratra deity Durga and all her dimensions are believed to be the manifestations of the same basic inspiration Mahamaya. In a kanya (girl child) the great feminine potential is at its peak, having developed into a girl of a certain age and before attaining puberty, a female child is considered the most auspicious, most jagrat, and the most clear minded and clear soul individual. While invoking the parashakti in such a form the purity of mind body and spirits is required and is fulfilled by a girl child of the said age of 8+ before reaching puberty. Such a female child is indeed Devi, who in her later life takes the roles of Parvati as a wife and mother, Lakshmi as a housewife, Saraswati as the first guru of her children, Durga as the destroyer of all obstacles for her family, Annapurna as the food provider through her cooking, Kali as the one, who punishes to bring the members of the family on the right track. A very special feast is prepared of puffed puries, halwa (sweet) and black chick peas. Gifts and token money are also given to these girls.
Prasad on this day.

pics and inputs from web.

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The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...