Thursday, 26 November 2015


Accessing our Aura & Chakras
We are being of light.
What is an Aura and Chakra?

AN AURA is a specific electromagnetic field that surrounds every living and non-living being. Science has also proved that matter is nothing more than the energy vibrating at a very low and fixed rate in a cohesive manner thus resulting in forming a magnetic field. A human body, being comprised of compressed matter, has energy and therefore has its own magnetic field-Human Energy Field or HEF or an aura, which varies from person to person and also known as the subtle body.          
       The human aura surrounds, penetrates and extends out beyond the physical body.  It is made up of live and intelligent vibrations or frequencies. An aura surrounds not only every living being inclusive of humans, animals and plants but also every non-living things e.g. house, furniture etc, etc…
Chakras emitting different light
    The human aura has different layers of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements, and contains all the primary colors of rainbow and which are subject to change depending upon the emotions of an individual e.g. the happy and loving thoughts expand our aura whereas sad or angry thoughts contract our aura.
 The primary function of an aura is to regulate the energy within the body and this regulation of energy is accomplished through a series of energy transfer points known as Chakras. They are the spinning wheel of an electric energy of different colors. They have three main functions in relation to an aura and the auric bodies; they energize each auric layer, develop different aspects of the consciousness, and regulate the flow of energy between these auric layers.
Chakras connect us with cosmic field 
These chakras connect our energy field with the broader cosmic energy field, from where they absorb the primary energy-prana, and send it along the energy channels. They are directly connected with our endocrine system.
     An aura consists of seven levels of auric bodies. Each one of these subtle ethereal body that exist around the physical body has its unique frequency and color. They all are interrelated, and to certain extent responsible for an individual’s feelings, emotions, thinking, behavior, and health. Therefore a state of imbalance in one of these auric bodies can lead to a state of imbalance in the others too.
         In relation to these seven auric bodies, there are seven major and 122 minor chakras in a human body. They are in following manner starting from the base of spine to the top of head, the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, to third eye chakra, and lastly the crown chakra, emitting specific light of rainbow colors. It is rightly said that-

We are Beings of Light:-
seven chakras
 The Root chakra or the red chakra is situated at the base of spine relates to the ability to work lovingly on the physical plane. The positive aspect of this chakra is vivacity, valor, and self-confidence. 

The Sacral chakra or orange chakra relates to utilization of creative forces in all aspect of life. People with balanced orange chakra are confident, happy go lucky and ingenious. 
The Solar plexus or yellow chakra relates to the positive use of personal power and associated with the wisdom and self esteem. 
 The Heart chakra- or green chakra relates to love and heart, the ability to give and take unconditionally. When balanced, person is able to give love and nurture one selves, it helps to relax muscles, nerves, and thoughts, and cleanses and balances energy. 

The Throat chakra-blue represents expressing truth through power of speech, it relates to knowledge, health and decisiveness.

In the the center of forehead is ‘the Third eye’ Chakra –indigo, people with this chakra active see divine perfection in every thing. Third eye chakra relates to intuition and mysticism and these people are very intuitive, fearless, practical, idealistic, wise and truth seeker. 
The last Crown Chakra active people are inspirational, visionary, self- sacrificing, kind, just and humanitarian. This violet energy connects us to our spiritual self, self- guidance wisdom and our innate strength to purify our thoughts and feelings. The positive aspect of this crown chakra is reverence for all life forms, an ability to see appropriate route for self -enhancement.
  These spirals of energy rings are interconnected, and the synchronization between them is crucial. The imbalance in one of them can cause serious physical, emotional, and spiritual problems thus resulting in creating certain holes in the subtle body or Aura. These holes in auric bodies eventually result in deforming auras, and attracting negativity from an environment and outer space.
  Every human being emits certain color of aura, which gives away his true physical, astral and spiritual health. 
    There are many ways are recommended for purifying and balancing these chakras and one of them is “the Ashantang yoga.” A crucial step towards self realization. There are many more which I will be discussing eventually.

Pics from web and video from youtube.

Friday, 20 November 2015


To better "myself or ourselves".

Mind engrossed in desires, fear etc, etc..
Once we have got acquainted with our 'true nature' after doing introspection, or self-analysis is to move forward towards next step  -to improve our selves.
As I feel we cannot blame others for their flaws, unless we are free of them and to achieve that requires lot of introspection. And by doing so, we may find that all of us are same at the core. Each one of us is governed by  desires, dreams, greed, and fears etc, etc… The degrees can vary but the core is same, whether one is a saint or a common man.

Steps for self enhancement.
So I would say to "become a better me" implies here to grow in every respect. And in order to do that, we should follow certain rules set by society and religious text. Otherwise we would be miserably lost, not only in our spiritual quest, but also in our daily lives.
 We appreciate these rules and realize that flaunting them can create havoc in our lives and in the society at large.  
Religious text  advocate them in the name of Dharma, Vows or Amendments. Their essence is to practice  Truth (satya), Non violence (ahimsa), Kindness (daya), Forgiveness (kshama), and Self control (dama) in our lives and they preaches us to abstain from desire, anger, jealousy and revenge.  Furthermore more qualities, like the patience, forgiveness, piety, honesty, holiness, truthfulness and absence of anger also help individuals to grow spiritually.  Now the intrinsic questions are:   Why we fail to comply on these rules and create problems?
wise quotes 

And are we solely responsible for our actions or some external forces are acting on us?

Does our destiny plays an important role in molding us, or we craft our own destiny?

Now my answer would be : They both are correct. No one can deny the role of destiny in our lives, as our parents, our birth place, our country, and the time of our birth are not chosen by us and mind it, this is not at all random. This is all predestined. So in this respect, we are helpless because it is our previous lives karmas that are responsible for our specific birth chart and in a way, responsible for what we are today, and what we shall be in future.

  "Natal chart" according to  time and place of birth.
How much this may sound true but this conclusion cannot unburden us for our wayward behavior, we still have to bear the brunt of our actions. So the next question is :

How can we move forward and improve ourselves?

My suggestion would be though this may sound true that our lives are governed  by our stars, but with the grace of God, there is always a room for “betterment”.

To achieve this we have to access our temperament truthfully and with honesty. 
Satavik disposition

There are three types of properties (Gunas) in everybody, Satavik(spiritualistic), Rajasvik (materialistic, ambitious), and Tamasvik(spoil ones) . We are amalgam of  these three qualities existing in different ratio, and one of these overpower others to give us a specific disposition. It is even true to food we choose, which is again categorized into sativik, ragasvik and tamasvik.

A new vista for everybody
Satvik are spiritualistic, very simple, calm and peace loving people. Ragasvik are materialistic, over bearing, over confident, pushy and very ambitious whereas Tamasvik are the spoil brats. They are violent, cruel, mean, selfish and do not hesitate to back stab.

Can anyone get rid of their inherent nature, and be truthfully improve?

 It can be a Herculean task, even if it is solely desired.  For that we should ruthlessly introspect ourselves and be aware of  our ills.  And I must confess only a few have the courage to take this path of self –improvement or to grow spiritually.

So in this difficult task to enhance spiritually, one need to seek the help of GURU (spiritual teacher). He is the one who can gauge our intrinsic nature and can lead us from the path of darkness (ignorance) to enlightenment (knowledge). How much we want to shield our sinful acts, Guru adjudicate our ‘Aura’, (chakras), which gives away our true character.

Chakras are like the barometer of one’s true disposition. As they represent mental, physical and spiritual health of an individual.

A Truth about everybody
Auras, (chakras) are the electromagnetic field or the BioEnergetic Field with which every body or everything is surrounded. 
I will be writing about Auras and how to improve them for self improvisation in my next blog, till then bye and keep smiling. 
Smiling or happy face radiates positive Aura.

Pics from web files.


Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Facing our true self or“I”. 

Facing our true self.
As I have already said that how much we deny the truth about the over valued presence of others in our lives, but we secretly crave for their acceptance and understanding.
This leads to foremost important question- accepted by whom and for what? 
Why everybody else is so important in our lives? 
And my answer would be in a way to sustain ourselves physically and emotionally, we yearn for their support. This is the reason why their opinion really matters to us.
This habit of estimation leads to more complex repercussion: being judgmental about every person and every situation that we come across and sometimes we also get into the habit to be swayed by their judgments, and we start doubting ourselves. 
If this goes unchecked it might leads to inferiority complex or a rebellion personality syndrome.
Inseparable "you" in our lives.
To be better accepted by others, we tempted to falsify ourselves or tend to project our best in front of them. And this attitude becomes overbearing if goes unchecked, resulting in eternal ME, ME, and ME. I am this, I have achieved this and I can do this and so on so forth, and this starts the endless bragging about our wealth, status, or even the country we reside. 
And what escapes to most of us in this whole scenario is the over valued  "YOU" in our lives.  This much hyped 'you' comes in form of relations, friends, acquaintances, strangers, and what not. So precisely everybody except "Me" is "YOU". Broadly speaking our parents, relatives, friends and every other person who cross our path in this life journey is YOU.
  Omnipresent "you" .
             We are incomplete without this ‘entity you’, and mind it, we do pay a heavy price for their physical and mental support’, resulting in a vicious circle; we cannot ignore them and yet we cannot allow them rule us. Either way, one thing is for sure, we would always be trying to please this “you group”, and invest our best in them. This course of action sometimes tires us. I mean to be a better spouse, better parent, better child and better friend so on and so forth is  wearisome.  And in this pursuit to make "You" happy, "Me" becomes sad.

What should be our goal in life, to be true to ‘myself’ and become ‘a better me’?
Or to invest more in ‘entity you’ to get better socially accepted?
Lastly but most importantly ignore the tussle between ‘me’ and ‘you’ and search for the third entity BRAHMAN, the ultimate TRUTH.

Paradoxically, how much they seemed different but they all are interlinked, like three different overlapping facets of enigmatic LIFE. The relation between them is incredibly beautiful and fulfilling but obnoxiously consuming.

This relationship comes in every aspect of our lives. They rear us in our childhood days, coax us during our adolescent days, frustrate us in our middle age, solace us when we are getting older and in the end envelop us, but before making us disappear from the very face of earth, gives birth to the new start… our next life. It is believed that this life karmas hold the key to our next life. 
Relations are like huge waves ready to engulf us.
The Hindu Religion advocates the concept of “karmic theory” according to which our present life, whether good or bad is the net resultant of our accumulated karmas of previous births, well we have no hold on previous birth’s karmas, but we can certainly tread the path of this life cautiously and focus on enriching ourselves or to better ourselves. 

Great Indian saint  Swami Vivekananda said "Those who work at a thing heart and soul not only achieve success in it but through their absorption in that they also realize the supreme truth—Brahman. Those who work at a thing with their whole heart receive help from God.”

I think, we should also learn from this great sage to move forward in life rather than resigning to our fate: I will be taking up how "to become a ‘better Me’ and why this is so important?"
In my next post. 

pics from web.




 Following a spiritual path and taking pleasure in this activity can give many benefits: inner peace, clarity on purpose of life and emotional balance. It also provides an ability to see things in right perspective. The foremost advantage of taking a spiritual journey is that it is an activity that connects us with God, and with soul, core of our being. This can results into a significant stage, a personal growth and our transformation.  The desire to be one with universal soul is inborn, it only gets aggravated by multitude of reasons depending upon person to person, so here the reasons are not important but the significant aspect is our choice. If one is ready to embark, then one should not shy away or hesitate but just “head start spiritual journey”. The baggage required to accomplish this journey is Faith, Hope, Persistence and Beliefs and the rest is taken care by ALMIGHTY.                        

This picture on left represent our divine nature" being grounded (unafraid) in the earth.

We have to conquer many hurdles in this pathway like ego represented by -“Me or myself ”, one can get forged by -“Entity You” and misled by- “Pure Love”. Or one might become too skeptical to take the difficult task of self- improvement -“Better Myself”. To take this task one just has to plunge into the ocean of improvisation of- “Auras and Chakras”. This happens to be gigantic task, as how much one achieve, more is left. Immensity of improvisation is also inclusive to fighting demons of past lives, or our accumulative karmas of past lives. This proves to biggest pitfall, and it is all easily said than done. To cross this treacherous juncture one should be prudent enough to come under “GURU’S” patronage like a “True Shishya” to acquire prized - “Spiritual Knowledge”, that can take us to the pinnacle of this life cycle-“BRAHMAN”.                                                         

Ego manifests in self in different forms like shown in figure below:-

Coming in terms with real me…

We cannot start our spiritual journey unless we get better acquainted with ourselves. For that we should need to do introspection truthfully or mercilessly. Forgiving our own mistakes will only weaken our stance, and pushing our goal further away from our reach. So let us probe our heart little deeper and with more honesty to find answers of these intriguing questions.
 Who we actually are?
Are we what we think we are, or how people perceive us?
This might opens up a panorama for discussion.
Strategically speaking people judge us by our physical characteristic, our status, our achievements, so on and so forth. Our external factors are the main criteria, to be judged as a good and successful person or a useless and failure. Sadly that's how we all are labeled.
Now the question is, do we really fall into these two categories made by others?
Can't we be little or no successful person and still be nice and useful?
 I think it would be very difficult to say as the moment we disclose our humble status, we fall a few steps lower in their priority list, though it may sound weird and mean, but this is true as relationships run on the "utility law”.  Fundamentally, we all are gauged by how much we are useful, and given merits accordingly, e.g. even a television set may be considered more valued than a human being, because of its more entertainment value. Interesting isn’t it?  You see how we might lose our battle to even a non- living thing, let alone the more successful person. This strengthens my point that to be a better accepted, one has to be wealthy and successful, if not, then at least have some rich acquaintances.
    And how much we deny this, we all secretly crave for other’s acceptance, and understanding.  
I will be putting up this question in my next post that why we all want to be better accepted at any cost?  
Though this desire eventually becomes the root cause of most of our problems.

pics from web.

Monday, 16 November 2015


In Accordance with reality.

I have made concept of “SEEKING BRAHMAN” look like journey, so stops are expected after each stage to contemplate progress and to chart out further advancement.
step towards goal. 
Lord Krishna
Before taking my readers to spiritual journey to find answer to the quintessential question about the purpose of our existence, which saints mentioned as “Self -Realization”. .And to make it real is a mighty task. In this journey, we have to work upon ourselves intensely and being lenient and forgiving our own mistakes will not take us anywhere. This path appears very tricky, and the gains are generally elusive. This journey is started with immense faith towards faith. The only emotion which comes to our rescue, is our inner voice, rest all is hazy. Along the course somewhere in our heart there is a gut feeling that if we kept on trying, we will succeed eventually. And in this juncture of uncertainty, the crux of Lord Krishna’s famous teachings comes as redeemer, “Do your karmas with sincerity and rest leave everything to God.”
Meditating on reality.

mind consumed with complexities.

 Now here is a dilemma, all our whole life we tend to hoard wealth for our comfort. However, at the end of day, we look forward to higher goal- GOD for comfort, blessings, tranquility and salvation. This approach towards life is self-contradictory and mirror of our selfish intentions:  Sometimes it seems that we are suffocated between materialism and spiritualism, as materialism lures us with comforts and glamour, whereas spirituality promises salvation in hazy future. 

The conduit to this goal can vary from an individual to individual, as we do not have to go somewhere to achieve this goal, it is all inside us. We are fundamentally born with this tremendous power to be “ONE WITH HIM”.

    The biggest hurdles in our pursuit for “ultimate reality” are our inflated egos, represented by “Me” and an overbearing, overindulgent “You” in our lives, they drift us apart from our highest goal- our true self.

       In an attempt to solve the complex relationship between “I”, “you” and “God,” I tried to weave a connection between these three vital forces that consume us throughout our lives. 

Surrounded by complex relationships.
 pics from web.


Friday, 13 November 2015


seeking Brahman 

Searching truth about self.
When I say traveler became seeker, it implies that a different kind of journey has started. An inward journey to the core of your being. It can also be called as a "quest for truth". Isn't it really interesting that why we all want to know the truth, "The Ultimate Truth"?.  And nothing less than the truth would satisfy us. It can also be labeled as search for the Ultimate Reality. 

In search for truth
This can be proven to be an arduous journey taken by an ordinary seeker in quest of Brahman. The voyage is full of conquering many hurdles like combating tons of persistent doubts, and facing loads of rejections from near and dears. This all is laced with constant fear of failures and in the end, the foremost elusive spiritual gains. It is not an easy path. During the journey, one has to fight the demons of doubts, resistance from outside and inside forces, which sometimes can culminates into utter loneliness. 

As for example sincerity, and honesty makes a person worthless in today’s world, however on the spiritual path, you can not move an inch forward unless you have both of them including the famous seven virtues chastity, patience, diligence, charity, temperance, kindness, humility. 
  However once the choice is made there is no going back and moreover one is not sure that whether he has chosen this path or the path has chosen him.  The beauty of this up heal task lies in the merits of each step taken, which is filled with immense satisfaction that he is on the right track, and if at all he will loose his way. God will save him. 

As GOD is the ultimate savior.
Meditating on self

 This is not at all that easy. 
There is lot of self-preparation involved before commencing this journey. 
Now the foremost question is how to get prepared for this journey?
Though I am not an authority on this complex subject, but I will try my level best to give a few suggestions to head start this important task point wise.
 In accordance with reality.
Facing with our true self “me”. 
Road to self enhancement              
Accessing our auras and chakras.      

finding divinity in self
Coming out of cocoon.                                
Treading towards sacred domain           

Understanding Divinity on Earth.              

Under the patronage of Guru.            

I will be taking these topics step by step to elaborate on them. But without God's blessings one is lost. So I pray to God to bless us and show the way.      

pics from web.


The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...