Friday, 13 November 2015


seeking Brahman 

Searching truth about self.
When I say traveler became seeker, it implies that a different kind of journey has started. An inward journey to the core of your being. It can also be called as a "quest for truth". Isn't it really interesting that why we all want to know the truth, "The Ultimate Truth"?.  And nothing less than the truth would satisfy us. It can also be labeled as search for the Ultimate Reality. 

In search for truth
This can be proven to be an arduous journey taken by an ordinary seeker in quest of Brahman. The voyage is full of conquering many hurdles like combating tons of persistent doubts, and facing loads of rejections from near and dears. This all is laced with constant fear of failures and in the end, the foremost elusive spiritual gains. It is not an easy path. During the journey, one has to fight the demons of doubts, resistance from outside and inside forces, which sometimes can culminates into utter loneliness. 

As for example sincerity, and honesty makes a person worthless in today’s world, however on the spiritual path, you can not move an inch forward unless you have both of them including the famous seven virtues chastity, patience, diligence, charity, temperance, kindness, humility. 
  However once the choice is made there is no going back and moreover one is not sure that whether he has chosen this path or the path has chosen him.  The beauty of this up heal task lies in the merits of each step taken, which is filled with immense satisfaction that he is on the right track, and if at all he will loose his way. God will save him. 

As GOD is the ultimate savior.
Meditating on self

 This is not at all that easy. 
There is lot of self-preparation involved before commencing this journey. 
Now the foremost question is how to get prepared for this journey?
Though I am not an authority on this complex subject, but I will try my level best to give a few suggestions to head start this important task point wise.
 In accordance with reality.
Facing with our true self “me”. 
Road to self enhancement              
Accessing our auras and chakras.      

finding divinity in self
Coming out of cocoon.                                
Treading towards sacred domain           

Understanding Divinity on Earth.              

Under the patronage of Guru.            

I will be taking these topics step by step to elaborate on them. But without God's blessings one is lost. So I pray to God to bless us and show the way.      

pics from web.

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The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...