Saturday, 10 October 2015


All roads lead to tranquil Houston downtown. 

 Halcyon Houston 

 Halcyon means providing tranquility and  respite from high winds and storms. I think I should first focus on term "Halcyon", meaning of which according to one legend, is that "the halcyon bird, or king fisher nested during this period" and because she built her nest on water the God granted her a respite from storms and high seas so she could hatch and rear her young ones. 


Today, the expression "halcyon days" has come to mean a period of tranquility, often 
used as nostalgic time past. 
But Greek mythology has it that Halcyone (or Alcyone), Ceyx's wife and one of Aeolus's daughters, drowned herself  
when she learned her husband had drowned. The gods took pity on her and transformed them both 
into kingfishers, and Zeus commanded the seas to be still during these days. Thus it was considered a period when sailors could navigate in safety. For me all this happens to be true symbolically as I was coming from  chilly chilly Chicago. City of cold winds and emotional storms. I think I should take that as painful hiatus. 
Here Houston provided tranquility I needed at that time. My son, who knows about my passion for reading, took me to book store and I bought two worth reading books, I will share their title with you. One is for keeping body and mind fit and another one to enhance you spiritually. So after struggling with lamenting thoughts and my chattering mind I landed in Delhi, and found the answer to my previously put question in "chilly chilly Chicago" post-

Who makes the city? 
So the answer is:- 
It is the people, who reside there and not the other way round.

It is a must read book.

Shakti mantras

Well all said and done, in the end I want to post my favorite song from Whitney Houston album in the memory of my cherished city.



celebration after hiatus

kids enjoying in water park downtown 

How I wished from my heart, If she could have lived more.

pics courtesy web and video from youtube.

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The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...