Tuesday, 17 November 2015




 Following a spiritual path and taking pleasure in this activity can give many benefits: inner peace, clarity on purpose of life and emotional balance. It also provides an ability to see things in right perspective. The foremost advantage of taking a spiritual journey is that it is an activity that connects us with God, and with soul, core of our being. This can results into a significant stage, a personal growth and our transformation.  The desire to be one with universal soul is inborn, it only gets aggravated by multitude of reasons depending upon person to person, so here the reasons are not important but the significant aspect is our choice. If one is ready to embark, then one should not shy away or hesitate but just “head start spiritual journey”. The baggage required to accomplish this journey is Faith, Hope, Persistence and Beliefs and the rest is taken care by ALMIGHTY.                        

This picture on left represent our divine nature" being grounded (unafraid) in the earth.

We have to conquer many hurdles in this pathway like ego represented by -“Me or myself ”, one can get forged by -“Entity You” and misled by- “Pure Love”. Or one might become too skeptical to take the difficult task of self- improvement -“Better Myself”. To take this task one just has to plunge into the ocean of improvisation of- “Auras and Chakras”. This happens to be gigantic task, as how much one achieve, more is left. Immensity of improvisation is also inclusive to fighting demons of past lives, or our accumulative karmas of past lives. This proves to biggest pitfall, and it is all easily said than done. To cross this treacherous juncture one should be prudent enough to come under “GURU’S” patronage like a “True Shishya” to acquire prized - “Spiritual Knowledge”, that can take us to the pinnacle of this life cycle-“BRAHMAN”.                                                         

Ego manifests in self in different forms like shown in figure below:-

Coming in terms with real me…

We cannot start our spiritual journey unless we get better acquainted with ourselves. For that we should need to do introspection truthfully or mercilessly. Forgiving our own mistakes will only weaken our stance, and pushing our goal further away from our reach. So let us probe our heart little deeper and with more honesty to find answers of these intriguing questions.
 Who we actually are?
Are we what we think we are, or how people perceive us?
This might opens up a panorama for discussion.
Strategically speaking people judge us by our physical characteristic, our status, our achievements, so on and so forth. Our external factors are the main criteria, to be judged as a good and successful person or a useless and failure. Sadly that's how we all are labeled.
Now the question is, do we really fall into these two categories made by others?
Can't we be little or no successful person and still be nice and useful?
 I think it would be very difficult to say as the moment we disclose our humble status, we fall a few steps lower in their priority list, though it may sound weird and mean, but this is true as relationships run on the "utility law”.  Fundamentally, we all are gauged by how much we are useful, and given merits accordingly, e.g. even a television set may be considered more valued than a human being, because of its more entertainment value. Interesting isn’t it?  You see how we might lose our battle to even a non- living thing, let alone the more successful person. This strengthens my point that to be a better accepted, one has to be wealthy and successful, if not, then at least have some rich acquaintances.
    And how much we deny this, we all secretly crave for other’s acceptance, and understanding.  
I will be putting up this question in my next post that why we all want to be better accepted at any cost?  
Though this desire eventually becomes the root cause of most of our problems.

pics from web.

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The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...