Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Facing our true self or“I”. 

Facing our true self.
As I have already said that how much we deny the truth about the over valued presence of others in our lives, but we secretly crave for their acceptance and understanding.
This leads to foremost important question- accepted by whom and for what? 
Why everybody else is so important in our lives? 
And my answer would be in a way to sustain ourselves physically and emotionally, we yearn for their support. This is the reason why their opinion really matters to us.
This habit of estimation leads to more complex repercussion: being judgmental about every person and every situation that we come across and sometimes we also get into the habit to be swayed by their judgments, and we start doubting ourselves. 
If this goes unchecked it might leads to inferiority complex or a rebellion personality syndrome.
Inseparable "you" in our lives.
To be better accepted by others, we tempted to falsify ourselves or tend to project our best in front of them. And this attitude becomes overbearing if goes unchecked, resulting in eternal ME, ME, and ME. I am this, I have achieved this and I can do this and so on so forth, and this starts the endless bragging about our wealth, status, or even the country we reside. 
And what escapes to most of us in this whole scenario is the over valued  "YOU" in our lives.  This much hyped 'you' comes in form of relations, friends, acquaintances, strangers, and what not. So precisely everybody except "Me" is "YOU". Broadly speaking our parents, relatives, friends and every other person who cross our path in this life journey is YOU.
  Omnipresent "you" .
             We are incomplete without this ‘entity you’, and mind it, we do pay a heavy price for their physical and mental support’, resulting in a vicious circle; we cannot ignore them and yet we cannot allow them rule us. Either way, one thing is for sure, we would always be trying to please this “you group”, and invest our best in them. This course of action sometimes tires us. I mean to be a better spouse, better parent, better child and better friend so on and so forth is  wearisome.  And in this pursuit to make "You" happy, "Me" becomes sad.

What should be our goal in life, to be true to ‘myself’ and become ‘a better me’?
Or to invest more in ‘entity you’ to get better socially accepted?
Lastly but most importantly ignore the tussle between ‘me’ and ‘you’ and search for the third entity BRAHMAN, the ultimate TRUTH.

Paradoxically, how much they seemed different but they all are interlinked, like three different overlapping facets of enigmatic LIFE. The relation between them is incredibly beautiful and fulfilling but obnoxiously consuming.

This relationship comes in every aspect of our lives. They rear us in our childhood days, coax us during our adolescent days, frustrate us in our middle age, solace us when we are getting older and in the end envelop us, but before making us disappear from the very face of earth, gives birth to the new start… our next life. It is believed that this life karmas hold the key to our next life. 
Relations are like huge waves ready to engulf us.
The Hindu Religion advocates the concept of “karmic theory” according to which our present life, whether good or bad is the net resultant of our accumulated karmas of previous births, well we have no hold on previous birth’s karmas, but we can certainly tread the path of this life cautiously and focus on enriching ourselves or to better ourselves. 

Great Indian saint  Swami Vivekananda said "Those who work at a thing heart and soul not only achieve success in it but through their absorption in that they also realize the supreme truth—Brahman. Those who work at a thing with their whole heart receive help from God.”

I think, we should also learn from this great sage to move forward in life rather than resigning to our fate: I will be taking up how "to become a ‘better Me’ and why this is so important?"
In my next post. 

pics from web.

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The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...