Sunday, 13 March 2016


In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.
This is the definition according to
Very interesting explanation, and the more interesting is its uses in English language, especially while explaining some body. Now here the person or somebody mentioned is ME. This name is given to me by my elder son, long back while he was in school. But somehow this phrase has got imprinted in my memory, and when ever I look back, I remember his statement.
Phoenix at its full glory.

 Now I think I owned you explanation for his simile...
Kids, though while staying noncommittal in house, noticed every thing and those small, small events in the family leaves a strong imprints on their untarnished mind.
While not going into any details about my struggle and all...When he saw me giving a speech on dais, on my job as an editor, his first words were when I came down, "mummy I am very proud of you. You are like a Phoenix". 
Omg!!! No words could have been more encouraging than these, coming out of my adolescent son's mouth.
Burning pyre.
And since then, this phrase have stayed back with me and cemented our mother-son bond, even after so many years, whenever I look back, I remember his words. Generally people say criticism is necessary for growth but I disagree, sometimes small words of appreciation, or an acknowledgment is all the more necessary or you can say to revive and move on. 
Rising from ashes.

I would request my readers/ friends, when ever you are at the dead end of your life, professionally, health related issues or maritally, or financially in life. Take that as pyre and collect your utmost energy, as "now or never", and rise from your ashes. We all must have experienced this somewhere in our lives, when death seems a better option, never, ever lose your heart. Collect your own ashes, and rise again, to look for some more avenues which are yet unexplored, some door, which is still unlocked, and  unknocked.

But do pray, and pray with full faith, to seek almighty's help. 
And I am sure GOD cannot close his door on you. But you must know how to knock at that door. And that's what prayers does for  us. 

And if somebody ask me; Pray whom, when you are lifeless?
Then my reply would be- Pray to cosmic energy. In Hindu religion, we have Goddess Durga, which is an incarnation of cosmic energy. She does shower boon on devotees.
There are plenty of videos uploaded on youtube to invoke her for specific favor by DhyaanGuru Dr. Nipun Aggarwal. And the one of them is "Durga mantras for power and protection."
and truthfully I have been listening to them religiously, everyday for peace, protection and for spiritual favor.
Most importantly, I prayed to goddess Durga, manifestation of the cosmic energy. As I have mentioned in power of prayer part-1. And elaborated more in power of prayer in part-2. As the subject is complex, I had to explain few allegory in extended post on power of prayer part-1, 2 allegory explained.
If you have "faith" as only faith has the tremendous power  to  make  miracles. Do pray to her.
She appears in nine different forms to uplift a seeker. Which I will be taking up in my next post.
From goddess of wisdom to money, good luck to combat fear and internal demons like depression, anxiety, she is the answer.
There is whole lot of scientific reason behind this, which I will be explaining it duly step by step.
I would say by chanting mantras, one can invoke great power, irrespective of caste creed, religion or nationality.
"As Mantras are like vehicles, on which your prayers ride to knock  at the particular door (specific God or Goddess), so it does not matter, that who is riding only how well you are riding matters".

This is purely my opinion.

pics from web.

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The recent news to cut down 16,000 trees by the Delhi Govt for housing project jostled me. This is like giving away lungs to save heart. ...