Living with spiritual knowledge. I will continue this post from my previous one:
Buddha the enlightened one. who lived with spiritual knowledge and became a legend. |
I will be writing about the glory of spiritual Guru in this post.
Only Guru, "a spiritual Guru" can teach how to live in accordance with the spiritual knowledge. It is a rare and very important aspect of life.
Only Guru, "a spiritual Guru" can teach how to live in accordance with the spiritual knowledge. It is a rare and very important aspect of life.
Gathering this knowledge is tough, but to live with this is all the more tedious task. Only the enlightened one can show us the way, as we human are very vulnerable to all the temptations and deceits and always ready to fall pray to deviousness of bluffers.
There are ample of stories (teachings) of Buddha "the enlightened one and his disciple on this subject", on internet.
Guru who has realized the Truth, is accomplished to impart the supreme knowledge. So one must try to please guru in every possible way. Lord Shiva (one of the God in trinity) admonished, “If I am angry, guru can save you but if Guru is angry, than no God, not even I can save you.”
And that makes the whole difference. The Guru won't let you fall into abyss of immorality. A spiritual awareness is needed in every aspect of life.
Only the Guru can impart the spiritual knowledge. I have already mentioned this in my previous post: Understanding divinity on earth.
The Guru raises his disciple's consciousness to a certain level and then passes over the spiritual knowledge through integration of mind, and in turn the disciple surrenders totally to Guru and becomes one with him. The Guru leads him onto the path of ultimate reality with the help of Spiritual knowledge.
To explain how to live with this knowledge, I have to narrate one story about Raja Janaka, (as Guruji did in his book).
Raja Janaka was a Self-Realized King. His life taught us to have detachment in any circumstances and have a pure attention based on dharma (inner religion and moral conduct.
King Janaka was called ‘Vidheha’ (means also ‘dead’ or liberated from the body’).
The Milk Story or Lesson about Detachment. Great sage Narada asked him one day, ‘ Revered Sir, how are you called as Vidheha, you live in this world, how can you be a Vidheha?’ Raja Janaka said,’this is very simple. I will tell you about it in the evening. Now, please do this little job for me. There is milk in this bowl. You take this bowl & come along with me. Please see that not a single drop of milk is spilled on the Earth. Then only I will tell you why I am called Vidheha’. Narada took the bowl & followed Janaka everywhere. He had to be very careful because the bowl was such that by the slightest movement the milk might have spilled. He got very tired. When they returned in the evening,
Narada asked ‘Please tell me now, I am quite fed up with carrying this bowl & following you everywhere at the same time.`
Raja Janaka said, `First of all tell me what you have seen?’
Narada, `Nothing except this bowl of milk so that it won’t spill.`
Raja Janaka, “Didn’t you see, there was a big procession in my honour, then there was a court wherein, there was programme of dancing? Didn’t you see anything?
Narada said, “No sir, I have not seen anything”.
Raja Janaka, `My child, likewise with Me, I also see nothing. All the time, I just watch my attention. Where is it going? Making sure that it won’t spill away like the milk.`
“This sort of attention one has to develop: chitta nirod’. Nirod means the saving of your attention, so your attention should not be on saving money & worldly things and all that, but attention itself must be saved. As you watch your money, as you watch your road when you drive, as you watch your child, when it is growing, as you watch the beauty of your wife, or the care of your husband, all put together you watch yourself – your attention.”
With spiritual knowledge comes a whole new understanding of eternal/non- eternal and real/non- real, moreover one stop identifying oneself with the objects of external world including one’s own body. Non-attachment to this mundane world is the immediate outcome of spiritual knowledge.
According to Vedas - the knowledge, worldly or spiritual is in the human mind and in many cases it is not being discovered, but remains covered, but when the covering is being slowly taken off, we say "We are learning," and the advancement of knowledge is made by the advancement in the process of uncovering. They maintained that knowledge is inherent in man, no knowledge comes from outside; it is all inside our mind.
The religion and spirituality acknowledged ‘intuition’ a direct source of knowledge, they maintained “Chetna” consciousness as the highest source of knowledge, and all scientific ways of gathering knowledge come as secondary to it. They believed that knowledge acquired by the cognitive method is only partial and thus cannot be foolproof, and to prove their point cites the classic example of mistaken identity of rope as a snake. We might misjudge rope as a snake in dark light and then automatically our first instinct would be of fear and panic, we would either run away from it or would try to kill it, and both are wrong as they are based on the wrong perception. And this proved that we should not totally rely on our sense organs, our inferences and most importantly on our limited faculties of reasoning.
On a lighter note/mode, I think I must acknowledge modern day father/ Guru "wikipedia", without which, we are in lurch. Just at a click of mouse, a whole lot knowledge becomes handy.
And I think I should call "youtube" as a foster mother rearing her millions of children and teaching them from cooking classes to grooming to etc, etc... well anything under the sun.
We are privileged people to born in this century of booming social media. Now if our father, and mother are from social media then I think, facebook, twitter, instagram, and linkin are our siblings and they are the only few I know, but there could be more step ones also... who knows:)
Enjoy the modern day huge family.
Pic and inputs from web.